Second-Hand Books

Our shop is located in Houwerzijl (Groningen, in the rural Northern part of The Netherlands).

Our catalogues

English books     Dutch literature     Literature translated into Dutch
Travelogues       Graphical Design       Art / Architecture / Music
Religion / Philosophy       History
Flora & Fauna       Thrillers       All kind of books

Our books are in a reasonable or good state; imperfections (except small ones) are mentioned.

You may ask for further details or order books by e-mail.

We ask you payment in advance. Paying by bank is possible in the Euro-zone.
When you order books from other countries, you may pay via Paypal. You have to pay extra for the provision Paypal charges us. It is also possible to send banknotes (in euro or in your own currency) by mail.

Prices do not include packing and postrates or exchanging costs. The table gives an indication. Airmail rates and tariffs for other countries on request.

The Netherlands


1 of 2 pocketbooks,
1 paperback

€ 1,76 - € 2,20

€ 2,45 - € 4,02

2 paperbacks,
1 hardcover

€ 2,64

€ 4,02 - € 6,47

heavy book,
more books

€ 6,20

€ 8,00

maximum tariff

€ 6,20

€ 11,45

In our shop books are hand-printed in limited edition by Triona Pers.